The generator converts the mechanical energy of the turbine into electrical energy. A generator is attached to the rotor of the turbine and as the turbine rotates it also rotates with the speed of the turbine. This superheated steam strikes the turbine blades with high speed and the turbine starts rotating at high speed. From the boiler the high pressure steam passed to the superheater where it is again heated upto its dryness. The water present in the boiler drum changes to high pressure steam. In the steam power plant the pulverised coal is fed into the boiler and it is burnt in the furnace. The various component of the steam power plant are: There are so many components present in the steam power plant which performs their specialized function for efficient working. How Hydropower Plant Works? – Complete Explanation Construction or Layout of Steam Power Plant.How Coal Power Plant Works? – Do You Know?.Solar Power Plant – Main Components, Working, Advantages and Disadvantages.There should be easy availability of proper transportation facility at the selected site. Availability of transportation facility: The transportation facility is must in the installation for the power plant, because any material cannot be transported to the power plant form its required location in lack of transport.Availability of Ash handling facility: Proper ash handling facility should be available near the power plant to minimise the adverse effect of the ash produced in the steam power plant.Scope for the future demand: The size of the land should be such that it is capable for the handling of future power demand.

Cost of the land: The cost of the land which is selected for the installation should be minimum or economical.